This website was archived in 2016, when the Governors’ South Atlantic Alliance formally ended. It is no longer being updated.

GSAA 3rd Annual Meeting

**Please note that the perspectives expressed by invited speakers are their own and do not necessarily reflect the views of the GSAA or its member organizations**

State of the South Atlantic

Mayor Harry Simmons
The American Shore & Beach Preservation Association

Dr. Douglas Rader
Environmental Defense Fund

Dr. Michael Orbach
Duke University Nicholas School of the Environment

GSAA Products and Progress

GSAA Coast and Ocean Data Portal
Deborah Hernandez
Southeast Coastal Ocean Observing Regional Association

Coastal Hazard Vulnerability Assessment
Dr. Clark Alexander (under revision)
Skidaway Institute of Oceanography

Disaster Resilient Communities
Will Salters
SC Department of Health and Environmental Control

Clean Coastal and Ocean Waters
Kelly Hill
GA Department of Natural Resources

Marine Planning

GSAA Marine Planning Overview
Questionnaire Summary
Questionnaire Responses

IATT Breakout Sessions

Clean Coastal and Ocean Waters

Geoff Scott, NOAA
Dwayne Porter, University of South Carolina

Disaster Resilient Communities

Will Salters, SC Department of Health and Environmental Control

Healthy Ecosystems

Jan Landsberg, Florida FWCC
Rua Mordecai, South Atlantic LCC

Working Waterfronts

April Turner, SC Sea Grant Consortium
Brad Pickel, Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway Association
Robert Swett, Florida Sea Grant
Paul Friday, Unites States Marine Corps MCI East

Snapshot Roundtable Discussion

Partnership and Resource Opportunities for IATT’s
Snapshot Response Matrix

Photos (photo album to come)