New Resource for Water Quality BMPs
Posted by Kristine on Jan 28, 2015 in Uncategorized | 0 comments
A new resource is available to professionals whose work involves land-based activities that contribute to nonpoint source pollution in the South Atlantic. The GSAA Coastal Water Quality Best Management Practices Compendium is now available on the GSAA website. This Compendium of accepted Best Management Practices (BMPs) includes many of the BMP manuals referred to in the regulations of the South Atlantic states. Other resources are meant to include the most useful practices for several nonpoint source categories, such as Agriculture, Construction, Golf Courses, and Marinas, among others.
Partners from the states of Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina compiled these resources as part of the Clean Coastal and Ocean Waters (CCOW) Watershed Implementation Workgroup. You can learn more about the CCOW team here.