Stakeholder Workgroups Release Recommendations
Posted by Kristine on Aug 17, 2015 in Uncategorized | 0 comments
Two Ad-Hoc Workgroups of diverse South Atlantic stakeholders have released their recommendations on strategies to address significant regional issues related to resilience. The Business Post-Disaster Recovery Planning workgroup examined the challenge of vulnerable South Atlantic coastal economies and opportunities to enhance business preparedness through improved planning for long-term post-disaster recovery. A second workgroup on Improved Data and Planning for Offshore Energy Siting reviewed the challenges in gathering sufficient data, information, and planning resources, for both public and private sectors, to consider for the siting application process of offshore energy facilities in the South Atlantic region.
Expert stakeholders from industry, academia, government, and non-profit organizations collaborated on the workgroups. Identifying the opportunities to leverage resources across the region and nationally, each workgroup prepared a Strategic Issue Statement that articulates the specific needs of the South Atlantic and recommends actions the GSAA and its partners could take to improve the region’s resilience.
Ad-Hoc Workgroup on Business Post-Disaster Recovery Planning
Ad-Hoc Workgroup on Improved Data and Planning for Offshore Energy Siting
The GSAA is currently reviewing the recommendations and will select actions where the partnership’s efforts can make the most immediate regional impact given available resources. For more information or questions, please contact the GSAA Coordinator.