GSAA Third Annual Meeting
Posted by admin on Dec 19, 2013 in Uncategorized | Comments Off on GSAA Third Annual Meeting
Sept. 4–6, 2013, Raleigh, NC
The 3rd Annual Meeting of the Governors’ South Atlantic Alliance (GSAA) was held in Raleigh, NC at the NC Museum of Natural Sciences, Nature Research Center and Environmental Conference Center. Approximately 100 people attended from the states of North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, as well as representatives from federal agencies, regional organizations, the academic community, non-profit organizations and industry.
The 3rd Annual Meeting marks the first time that representatives of stakeholder groups outside of the GSAA’s core membership were invited to participate in planning discussions. These new participants brought energy and insight into the discussions and contributed significantly to new partnerships and ideas for 2014 planning for the GSAA’s four Issue Area Technical Teams (Clean Coastal and Ocean Waters, Disaster-Resilient Communities, Healthy Ecosystems, and Working Waterfronts).
The purposes of this Annual Meeting were to discuss key issues affecting the region’s ocean and coasts and how these issues are being addressed in GSAA activities, Identify specific partnership and resource opportunities to support GSAA collaborative activities, and formulate 2014 Work Plans that continue to drive progress in implementing the GSAA Action Plan.
A summary of the meeting and presentations are available here.